Prier Satin Nickel Plated Brass Box for C-634 Heavy Commercial Hydrants
The C-634BX1 is the perfect complement to the wall hydrant it protects. This unique product can be installed in the structure independently of the valve. This adds flexibility because the box can be installed by a brick mason or general contractor and the plumber can come later to install the valve through the front of the box and plumb it when it is convenient for their schedule. This product is a heavy duty cast brass that comes standard with the popular Satin Nickel or Rough Brass finishes.
This box has a heavy brass hinge and is designed to stay open when the consumer is using the valve. It won’t flop down on the hose or get in the way on the side of the box. A common complaint is that the door on the box gets torn off the hinges and it leaves an empty hole in the side of the building. This won’t happen with the heavy duty PRIER C-634.